Locally the committee seeks to identify community needs and then to work with the community to bring lasting improvements. 

International service is helping local communities in overseas locations but can also mean a more substantial approach to supporting humanitarian needs around the world, and the promotion of world understanding and peace.

This committee also supports the Rotary Polio program.


  • Pictorial Dictionaries – annually to students in 3+ low-decile schools
  • Apirana Reserve Plantings - we regularly support the environmental plantings including clearing and preparation activities
  • ONJA - we support this initiative that provides computer coding education and employment opportunities to the brightest of the poorest of the poor in Madagascar
  • Emergency Response Kits (ERKs) – Rotary New Zealand is usually first on-scene in a disaster in the Pacific because of prepositioned ERKs; the club assists by helping to assemble these at work days held during the year.
  • A wide variety of other smaller projects such as clean up days at St Johns Bush, helping at a local soup kitchen etc with fresh ideas from members and supporters on a regular basis.